PRAG: Ecstatic inner universe: medicine music workshop
free your mind & voice & movement and explore your inner depth & beauty
04.03. Centrum LORETO, Praha 8
The intuitive music of the sound mystic Mitsch Kohn develops in the moment of playing and opens the door to levels of being beyond our mind.
Guided by the perceptive intuitive piano playing, free-flowing melodies and shamanic voice and drums, in this „ecstatic inner dance“ – ceremony you will encounter yourself deeply…
Immersed in sound and conscious breathing, you´ll slowly start to allow yourself to be your full „I AM“. You feel and express your TRUE impulses, despite all the fears & beliefs that may show up. You allow yourself and the others true and free encounter. You let your body speak to you in free movements and learn to let your voice sound naturally and freely. Your inner and outer freedom and the deep feeling of „being home in your body“ will bring inner and outer abundance.
- getting aware of / letting go off controlling and destructive patterns
- release blockages in your body
- release self-sabotating mindsets
- free your voice expression
- re-connect to your essence
- embrace life (yourself) fully
registration and info
Centrum LORETO, Praha 8
Štorchova 1555/5 (Rohanský ostrov) – 1. poschodí
Tickets & info
04. March | 18:30-21:30
entrance from 18:00
please be in time before the ceremony starts.

This super-intensive 3 hours journey of confronting yourself with yourself allows to experience and explore your reality / truth / subconscious. on a very deep level … and change it where you feel it is time for a change. Your soul core becomes more and more exposed, and behind all the masks and roles your pure being reveals itself more and more. You begin to feel and express your TRUE impulses, despite all the fears & beliefs that may show up, and you allow yourself and the others true and free encounter.
Your inner and outer freedom and the deep feeling of „having arrived“ will bring inner and outer abundance. The soul sounds, mediated through Mitsch´s intuitive playing, helps you to truly feel your essence and to integrate this connection into your life.
Nothing else is more urgently needed at this time than you – connected with your deepest true core – and everything that no longer belongs to you, you may lovingly redeem from yourself. It could be a birth-process… leaving old patterns transformed into a self-determined life.
Please bring a blanket / pillow / yoga mat with you to allow yourself to lay down comfortly if necessary