
All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘universe’

  • Relax Breathdive02

    Wien: relax, breath & dive – medicine music workshop

    Immersed in sound and concious breathing, you feel and express your TRUE impulses, despite all the fears & beliefs that may show up. You allow yourself and the others true and free encounter. You let your body speak to you in free movements and learn to let your voice sound naturally and freely. Your inner and outer freedom and the deep feeling of „being home in your body“ will bring inner and outer abundance.

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  • Workshop CZECH Banner 728x90px

    PRAG: Ecstatic inner universe: medicine music workshop

    Immersed in sound and concious breathing, you feel and express your TRUE impulses, despite all the fears & beliefs that may show up. You allow yourself and the others true and free encounter. You let your body speak to you in free movements and learn to let your voice sound naturally and freely. Your inner and outer freedom and the deep feeling of „being home in your body“ will bring inner and outer abundance.

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  • Web2019 BudED 01 MitschDrumming1

    PRAG: Ecstatic inner universe: medicine music ceremony and day-retreat

    Immersed in sound and concious breathing, you feel and express your TRUE impulses, despite all the fears & beliefs that may show up. You allow yourself and the others true and free encounter. You let your body speak to you in free movements and learn to let your voice sound naturally and freely. Your inner and outer freedom and the deep feeling of „being home in your body“ will bring inner and outer abundance.

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  • Klang Heil Raum Header660x1

    04./05.11.2016 – Klang-Heil-Raum in Zürich (Konzert & intensiv)

    Im November wird es in Wädenswil am Zürich-See einen KLANG-HEIL-RAUM geben, und zwar im Elfenhaus Seminarzentrum 04.11. um 19:30 Uhr: KLANG-HEIL-RAUM Konzert 05.11. von 10-16 Uhr: KLANG-HEIL-RAUM intensiv Veranstalter: Radio Elfenhaus Eintrachtstrasse 7 (nähe Bahnhof) CH-8820 Wädenswil Telefon: 043 541 53 11

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  • Cover Inner Universe Web350

    CD Neuerscheinung am 09.01.2016: INNER UNIVERSE

    Die neue CD ist fertig !!! 🙂 Heute geht sie in die Pressung und ab 09.01. erscheint sie offiziell im Handel…hier könnt ihr schonmal reinhören …   inner universe – transformational process music – Musik: Mitsch Kohn, Davinia Leonne Gast-Sängerin: Rejana Woock Produktion & Gestaltung: […]

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...once I found a star in my pocket....